Friday, August 29, 2014

First Week of School!

We are off to a great start in first grade!  Thank you for visiting our class blog!

This is our Word Wall.  We will be adding words to it all year.  These will be words that we will practice writing, spelling, and reading.
Here is where the backpacks go!  Every student gets their own book box.  Students will get to pick out 4 books for the book box and I will also choose 1 book for them.
Some students hang their stuff out in the hall.
We read the book Oh the Plaves You'll Go! and we colored in feet with our names on them.  This way everyone will know who is in our class when they enter.

Each group gets a basket for their writing folders.  Today we wrote for 7 minutes!  We are working on building up our writing stamina.  We are writing stories about something that has happened to us or something that we do.

We have tables and desks in our classroom!

We read the book Big Al to help us come up with our Hopes and our Dreams for the school year.  Check out the other books on our blog book shelf that we read this week!

We explored different math manipulatives in our classroom.
We worked with a partner to plan our stories out!

Our special schedule for the school year is:

Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Guidance and P.E.
Thursday: Art
Friday: Spanish and Library