Friday, January 10, 2014

Week of January 6, 2014

We have started working on nonfiction writing in our classroom.  We discussed the different features you can find in a nonfiction text.  We also went on a scavenger hunt to find the features in books from our classroom library.  Each student brainstormed a list of things they consider themselves to be a "specialist" in.  They picked one idea from their list that they will be writing a nonfiction book about.

Students worked in pairs to create a survey question to ask the class.  They had to ask every student and record their answers.
They worked with their buddy to represent their data.
Here is an example of one representation.
They had to reflect and answer questions about their findings.

We had a celebration today during math!  Students had to graph m&ms and answer questions about the data.
We learned a new app today.  It is called Math Linkup.  Students have to choose 2 addends to make a certain sum.

Our Word Wall words this week were two and put.

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