Friday, May 16, 2014

Week of May 12, 2014

We have been practicing adding and subtracting with double digit numbers!  We played 3 different games to help us practice our skills!

Our plants are growing fast!  Students wrote an observation and a prediction about their plant in their science journals.  We also planted 2 different containers of grass.  One of the containers is growing in the sun and the other is growing in the dark.  We made a prediction that the plant in the dark will not grow as fast or as much because we think plants need the sun to make their food.  We are waiting to see what happens to each of them!

Some students have finished writing their realistic fiction stories and are now editing their work using a checklist.

Next week we have whole school stuffed animal day on Tuesday, Garden Day on Thursday, and a Vermont Sympohny Orchestra performance on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates Ms. Henault. At my house, we see how long plants will live without water, but that's not really an experiment, it's just bad housekeeping.
