We played a game during math called 5 in a row. This game helps with addition skills and number identification.
We started using the Ipads during Word Study. We will get to use them every Thursday! We used the app Word Wizard to build different words.
Our celebration this week was having extra free choice on Thursday. This week we really worked on having quick and quiet transitions.
We have been building up our reading and writing stamina! We can read and write for 20 minutes! We have been talking a lot about what good readers do.
We started working on retelling stories. We focused on who was in our stories and where the stories were taking place.
We are working on using the right voice level for different activities. Students help to determine which level we should be on before we begin an activity.
We have started solving story problems! Students must show their thinking, form their numbers correctly, and have an equation that matches the story problem.
This student formed their numbers correctly and wrote an equation to match the story problem. This student used counting to solve the problem. They also circled their group of 3 and their group of 6. It is neat and organized work!
Be on the lookout for homework folders coming home on Monday! Students should be reading and recording it on their reading logs. Homework folders should be returned on Friday.
Our Word Wall words this week were at, I, and he.